
Are you a people pleaser? Are you going through life with a constant pit of anxiety at your core? Perhaps you've internalized negative or misguided messages you've been given throughout your life. Now you replay them to yourself as your own worst critic. Are you feeling stuck but ready for a change? I want to help you develop self-compassion and the skills needed to overcome the obstacles that have been holding you back. It's never too late to be the author of your life story.

If you’re here now – chances are you’re ready for a change. Perhaps you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed. Burdened by wounds from your past. Maybe you’re struggling to cope with anxiety, low self-esteem, or managing the relationships in your life. Many of my clients come to therapy seeking help in these areas. They typically gain a greater sense of self-awareness, growth, and empowerment through the work we do. Nobody is immune to the struggles that life often brings. Life can be hard. It can feel lonely and discouraging. But it doesn't have to be. I won’t tell you that therapy will be easy but the power of working with a therapist you connect with can make all the difference.

I specialize in working with clients struggling with anxiety and self-esteem.

I am passionate about working with clients in the following areas: